Suggested : Navbar,Carousel,Section,Demos
MediaElementJs is an open-source Html5 video player that can supports Video, Audio, Streaming, and multiple social media video playback.
Videojs is the most popular widely used open-source HTML5 video player that supports modern streaming formats as well as Youtube, Vimeo, and even flash files through the plugin.
Cookieconsent js demo
Timeline slider js for showing history in chronological order.
Cropperjs is a feature-rich pure javascript library for cropping image. using this you can able to able to provide image cropping to the client-side.
Materializecss sidenav is a clean and attractive sidenav, which can be customized according to device viewport.
Health calculator is a collection of BMR calculator,Body Shape Calculator,Body Fat percentage calculator and Ideal weight calculator.
This is a multiple-input fields generator that can generate or add or create multiple input fields dynamically at a time.
Slick marquee slider - manage HTML marquee with slick javascript library.
Tesseract js demo scan text over the image by just doing small amounts of code.
This sidebar contact form is used to get user query form the same page.
This Javascript image compressor built using browser image compressor js Javascript library.